Welcome to "Different Perspectives, One Humanity", and thanks to everyone for stopping by. I hope this blog will be a place where I can share with you images, thoughts, ideas and comments concerning the three things I am most passionate about: photography, humanitarian issues and the environment.

Through my life's journey, I have come to realize that my true purpose and joy in life does not come from material gains, and instead, from each small gesture of compassion and assistance I can offer to others, and the ripple effect it may produce. If we stop to think about it, we all share the same planet and use the same air -- humans, animals and plants. Each breath another being exhales may be one I ultimately inhale. Thus, although we all have unique souls and perspectives, we are part of one collective humanity. This gives perspective to the need to respect and help all life -- without conditions or expectations. Although none of us are capable of helping everyone; all of us can give aid to someone, and it is much better to do a little, than nothing at all. If we all do our part, no matter how small, we can make a difference. Margaret Mead said it best: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

As a photographer, I have chosen to contribute in two ways. Firstly, by capturing scenes of life from my perspective that hopefully you will find beautiful, inspirational, or thought provoking. Secondly, by doing my part to help humanity and our planet through the donation of 50% of all proceeds from my image downloads and print sales to CARE International (CARE) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF). May what you see touch you in a positive manner and inspire you.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear. ~Annonymous

Laughter in the Rain